Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Message to my girlfriends

I am writing this message as a public service to my girlfriends!

Once, last year, I was looking around on the net to see if I saw anything that would be good for my skin...I was unhappy with how coarse and yucky my skin looked. Some of the astringent stuff I had was just too harsh. I remembered that when I was younger, people used to say how beautiful my skin was. So, it made me sad when my son actually teased me about the big pores on my nose.

So, I found this stuff. It was kind of expensive, but I bought it and used it, and really liked it. Then, I talked myself out of buying more because of the price.

Then, again this year, I decided to get some. All right, the bottle costs $40. But, I started using my new bottle on Nov. 7. I just put on a teeny bit all over my face after I shower in the morning. I gave Amalia a pill-bottle-full to take home with her and try. And now, January 10, that bottle is a little less than half-gone. So, it works out to a little less than $10 per month, I figure.

My skin looks better than it has in years. The pores are smaller, my skin is more clear, and definitely tighter. I even think that the flesh under my chin has tightened up a little. I can look at my nose and not cringe. And it's not exactly astringent; it's milder than that, but it feels great to put it on my face.

And tonight Amalia called, telling me that she LOVES this stuff.

I had told her that for the first few days, if you have a little blackhead or something, the stuff seems to bring it out. The first week I used it I got a pimple, which is unusual for me. But after that, my skin just feels BETTER. Amalia told me that she discovered that, if one is getting a pimple, put a bit of the stuff on at night, and it's better by morning.

So, OK, go to the website if you want and get some. (I only wish there were some price break for buying this stuff in bulk!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne- read your blog. Glad to read what you have been up to. We are all...well it is a long story on some of us. But I miss you. Love, Denise