Monday, April 23, 2007

Golden time of day

Jordie happily gardening in our front yard, late Sunday afternoon, in the last golden light of the day.

Whoever it was who made the front yard into a glorious perennial garden...I am so happy they did! It's glorious!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wonderful new fireplace!

Our new fireplace is more beautiful than I could have dreamed. The light wood is beautiful with the blue-grey tiles, and the lines are soft and rounded, just as I described my wish to Roger Kugler... a supremely talented man (

Roger also took off the tile that I had very badly attempted to put up (an episode which turned a fairly competent 52-year-old into a sniveling, sweating, totally and completely humiliated person hiding under the bedcovers in shame at the mess I had made), and re-tiled beautifully...evidently he still has to grout and then it will be finished and it is just perfect!

The menorah on the mantle at left is from Shoshana and Oved's house, and we have it in a photo of Jordie when he was very small.