Thursday, September 01, 2005

Just common sense, I think

I've seen that has a website,, for people to offer and search for temporary housing. They recommend within 300 miles of the affected area.

And I've sent this letter to the NY Times, USA Today, and the papers in Atlanta, Montgomery, Jackson, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. I think it's just common sense.

To the editor:

Why on earth doesn't every hotel and/or apartment
complex in Louisana and surrounding states give a
couple of rooms to hurricane refugees for the
duration? Surely the businesses could deduct these
expenses as a charitable donation on their taxes and
they'd still be making a profit. Then people would
have privacy, telephones, a chance to start their
lives over again. Businesses in the area of each hotel
or apartment complex would, I'm sure, gladly help
those beginning over again with some donations of
clothes, supplies, even jobs. Children could go to
area schools.

Having thousands of people grouped together, as they
are doing in Houston, has to be maddening and
difficult, no matter how hard people are trying to
keep it organized.

Finding ways to give the survivors privacy, dignity
and a little tranquillity would be better.

Lynne Foster Shifriss
4420 N. Benton Court
Bloomington, IN 47408

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