Monday, February 20, 2006

Moving is hell!

Just a note in case any of my good buddies look, because I have been completely the move-in date is looming, and the packing has to intensify...HAS to! Boxes everywhere. I've been sick with some kind of bug for a few days. I was out of sorts and aching Friday, but made it through the busiest day. Came home, too out of it to eat, went to bed, and then was sick all weekend, aching and headachy and chilling.

THe only thing I accomplished was to try and understand curling (on the Olympics). still don't.

This afternoon I got itchy and packed a few boxes full of videos. Abby did the DVDs. Late in the afternoon I realized that the dump was probably open -- not closed on President's Day. I quickly dumped a couple of big recycling containers -- all unsorted -- into trash bags, emptied wastebaskets into trash bags, and took six orange bags to the dump. (My mom says I won't go to hell for putting recycling in the trash this one time.)

Then, I came home and would not let myself rest until I had put three white bags (for charity) in the car, plus 7 or 8 boxes, to go to new house tomorrow. If I just do SOMETHING every day...

But nagging at me is the fact that I have not answred five or six emails from girlfriends, wanting to know how on earth I am and I am too tired mentally to answer individually. My head hurts really badly but I AM going to the Y in the morning and to work and to the Beth Shalom board meeting -- it's making me crazy to lie around at home.

Bye for now, and hope sanity returns soon to my life and our house!

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