Friday, February 11, 2005

It's a cat's life

Anyone out there in cyberspace with an idea....our big, white, adorable cat Motek is a hunter and a wanderer. The neighbor is mad, now, because Motek (that means "sweetie" in Hebrew) climbed on top of the neighbor's car and left scratches. Of course, legally, the neighbor is RIGHT. So, for a week we've been keeping this cat totally inside. (And I know that many people do this routinely with their cats, but we DO live in a neighborhood where the smallest wooded lot is two acres and so we have just always figured the cats could wander....)

MY POINT OF VIEW: If we hadn't adopted this cat, he would probably be dead and so whatever life he has with us, even if he's inside a house and can't fulfill his kitty fantasies and leave little dead creatures on our porch for us to admire...well, that's just the WAY IT IS.

MY HUSBAND'S VIEW: We need to spend a lot of time worrying about Motek's lack of fulfillment. This has led to some odd behavior, like my husband insisting that the cat be taken outside on a LEASH.

At this moment, my daughter and her friend are outside our house, holding on to the end of the leash, while the cat has crawled under the porch and won't come out, of course!

I'm so glad I'm not at home to deal with this, because I would be laughing hysterically and being no help at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mommy Mommy I love you. and I love Motek....and I love that you have a blog......yay! Hope the menopause/puberty household is holding up.....hahaha.
Love, your baby girl, Molls