Monday, February 21, 2005

Sleazy Paris and Robert Novak

Seriously, I cannot figure out why this woman is a celebrity. Her show is mind-bendingly stupid and insulting (and I have ONLY seen it when one of my kids turned it on) and it seems that she is mainly famous for being famous. Oh, that and having her old boyfriend sell a sex video of them together. Whatever happened to shame? And now ... what a scandal ... her electronic organizer has been hacked into and all the private emails and phone numbers posted on the net. The thing what if somebody got a famous person's phone number? What kind of a loser would call up some famous person they didn't even know? Show how much you admire somebody by making his/her life miserable?

And on the NEWS IS BIZARRE theme....I'm trying to figure out what to do to find out why Robert Novak is not included in the court case where Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper are being prosecuted for not revealing their source on the Valerie Plame story. And Novak is the ONLY one of the three who actually published the information revealing Plame's identity and that she was a CIA agent.

I'm supportive of journalists who won't reveal their sources, but in the case of Novak...isn't it a felony to "out" a CIA agent and didn't he do that with his column? SO WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON THERE!

There's an interesting little article on the "Nieman Watchdog -- Questions the press should ask" Web site. (Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University). A law professor asks some good questions. Here's the url for the site:

On the domestic front, we're having new carpet put down in our family room and Abby's room, which fills my heart with joy. Now if we can only do the living room, whether wood floor or carpet, then I won't be ashamed for people to see the house!

Abby has been painting all evening, copying a little photograph of a scene from when we were in Maine. Her painting absolutely blows me away -- it is that good. It's so much fun to watch the kids grow up and do things that I never even dreamed of doing.

My mom told me yesterday that she agreed with a little joke I tell sometimes....I always would tell Oved that our three children are a genetic miracle...two average-looking parents produce three beautiful children!

Actually not feeling too great, so I'm getting some tea and hoping that helps. I've been having chills all night tonight and just feeling generally miserable physically.

Shalom, Lynne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Mom, have a great day!