Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Werewolves of London

OK. Werewolves of Bloomington!

Let me explain: Remember that old song "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon? I love that song. And when Warren Zevon knew that he was going to die from cancer, he was visiting on the David Letterman Show. And Dave asked him something like "So, Warren, you have any words of wisdom?" And Zevon said "Enjoy every sandwich."

In my innermost self, I know that enjoying every moment of life would be a great thing. And appreciating everything good in my life. So why, last night, did I find myself arguing furiously (in hissing whispers, so Abby wouldn't be disturbed while doing her homework) with Jordie over what to do about the living room floor?

It was the moon.

It was full.

Actually, TODAY may be the full moon, but it was close enough.

I always have a fight at the time of the full moon. I find myself arguing and look outside and there it is, full.

That may be crazy, but it's true.

And why argue over the floor?

I want to have a beautiful, clean wooden floor put in to replace the at-least-15-years-old carpet in there. Jordie thinks he may not want to do it, since I'm talking about moving into town in the next few years. But whether we do or don't move, the floor would be a really good thing for our house, and (my argument) would increase the price we would get for the house eventually when we do sell.

I'm going to keep howling till I get that floor!

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